Wednesday, October 1, 2008

what i did today

today was a very productive day. i still have a pentagram shaved into the side of my head. it didnt go anywhere. suprisingly enough only one person told me that they didnt like that i had a pentagram shaved into my head. their name is quinvar. he said that it wasnt a good thing. he thought that it was a bamtagram. LLOLOLOLOLOL. bam. like anyone cares about him anymore. i found my watch! it was on the floor. i dont know why i didnt look there. it was gone all of monday and tuesday. i have to go to practice soon. i wish they lived closer but whatever. it will all pay off when i start making allllllllll types of money. everyone in school is going to be wearing a coke bust basketball jersey or something. my poll ended. im suprised at the results. i am so broke. i want to be able to afford to go to shows but i am broke as balls. i am not trying to get a job especially with school and shit. if blink-182 taught me one thing its that work sucks. okay bye


david santos said...

Excellent posting!
Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

make a new poll.
-FCHS Broadcast Journalism

Best Friends said...

best friend!
write back so you can get the info!