Friday, October 10, 2008

check this out!

I got banned from the catalyst board. this is what they said to me.

You have been permanently banned from this board.

Please contact the Board Administrator for more information.

Reason given for ban: consistently annoying

A ban has been issued on your username.

I also got banned from wikihow again. i think it was because of those articles i made. trapped under ice was soooo good. i even danced! last time i danced to trapped under ice i got my tooth punched out. i assume that if you live in baltimore you are used to getting your teeth punched out. maybe i could have sued. or made him buy me dinner or something. that doesnt seem to ridiculous. it wouldve hurt so much then though. everything hurt. even if i ate soup it hurt. chips hurt so much. until god calls me home. my mom put some apple chip things in my lunch. they tasted like styrafoam apples. i would not recomend you try them. whats wrong with regular apples? you can eat regular apples just fine. my mom said i could go to new york. maybe i already said that but i dont care. i am really excited to be able to see the ergs and d4 and im pretty sure that erik made up municipal waste. why? i dont know. sometimes erik just blatantly lies for no reason. it is not a trait that i would like to have. Im writing this in school right now. isnt that weird? this is personal. someone could just walk by and read this and then know everything about me. they could steal my identity. they could steal my identity better if i wasnt kicked of wikihow. gary should make a vlv band.

1 comment:

Erik Sutch said...


:::: MUNICIPAL WASTE -------> just added!
:::::: the Measure
:::::::: the Ergs ----------------> LAST NY SHOW EVER!

fuck you jubert. and to think i ever defended this blog in a public space.